ID ID of First of two consecutive Extra Codes IDs.
Use: Allows you to alter some aspects of a Random Rectangle. This is the only code that takes two extra code segments in order to perform. The extra code segment that follows the initial one must contain the information for E-Code 5 if required.
Code 23 also allows you to alter some aspects of a Random Rectangle.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) Land/Dungeon Level Of Rectangle
2) Rectangle Number
3) 0 = On Land, 1 = In a Dungeon
4) +/- to Encounter %, Base 10,000
5) -1 = No Change, 0 = Set Coordinates, 1 = Offset Rectangle
2 = Warp
The E-Codes following the once attached to the Code 92 holds the values specified by E-Code 5 above.
E-Code 5 Special Instructions:
-1 = No Change. This will leave the actual demensions of the rectangle as they are. You do not need to script the next E-Code with any more information.
0 = Set Coordinates. If you want to change the Left, Right, Top and Bottom bounding coordinates of the rectangle you can specify the exact size. In the following E-Code:
Item 1 = Left
Item 2 = Right
Item 3 = Top
Item 4 = Bottom
1 = Offset Rectangle. If you want to keep the same size rectangle but move it to a new location, you can specify the amount to move it. In the following E-Code after the one attached to the Code:
Item 1 = Horizontal Offset. Example: -3 moves it left 3 tiles, +5 moves it right 5 tiles ect.
Item 2 = Verticle Offset. Example: -3 moves it up 3 tiles, +5 moves it down 5 tiles ect.
2 = Warp. This will let you keep the relative location of the rectangle where it is but move any particular side out or in. In the following E-Code:
Item 1 = Left Side Change. Example: +2 will move the left side 2 squares to the right.
Item 2 = Rigth Side Change. Example: +2 will move the right side 2 squares to the right.
Item 3 = Top Side Change. Example: +2 will move the top side 2 squares down.
Item 4 = Bottom Side Change. Example: +2 will move the bottom 2 squares down.
Just remember. A + value will move it right and down and a - value will move it up and left.